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Asiabots勇奪IFTA金融科技成就大獎2019!Asiabots wins the IFTA Fintech Achievement Awards 2019!

Asiabots勇奪金融科技發展大獎 領頭新創最前線 Wining Fintech Impetus Awards, Asiabots becomes the lead in the industry

我們早前參加IFTA金融科技成就大獎2019,經過多輪篩選及評審後,Asiabots成功在眾多參加公司中脫穎而出,成為創新科技類別中的最後三強。於上周五(9月4日),我們正式確認獲得IFTA金融科技成就大獎2019創新科技金獎!同場得獎的還有康宏環球控股有限公司、標保有限公司和Blue Insurance Limited等多個企業代表。能夠得獎亦是業界對我司的認可及讚賞,我們感表榮幸,未來我們亦會嘗試推出更多創新科技,為銀行界服務。

We joined the IFTA Fintech Achievement Awards 2019 in the early 2020. After selections and presentations, Asiabots stood out of the many participants and became the final 3 in the Innovative Technology category. On 4th September, we officially won the Gold Award of Innovative Technology category of IFTA Fintech Achievement Awards 2019. Many other great corporations, including Convoy Global, BIBO Limited and Blue Insurance, won the awards also. We are delighted of receiving the award. We will launch more FinTech A.I. solutions to serve the industry.


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