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如何在銀行中使用人工智能電話? How could we apply A.I. Call in Banking industry?

如何在醫護界運用人工智能?How to apply A.I. in medical industry

金融業需要大量的人手通過電話宣傳他們最新的產品,為了增加成功率,金融業樂於使用科技,對客戶資料或者目標群進行分類分析。但是始終撥打一個電話call的成本實在太高昂,其實他們可以考慮運用人工智能Voicebot對目標客戶進行Pre-screening,又或者結合其他線上科技例如facebook面書的廣告信息,作出自動化而無縫的分流引導, 以下提供一個人工智能電話的流程為作參考:

Finance industry requires large manpower to promote their new promotion. To ensure a high success rate, the industry is happy to use new technology to categorization of customers. However, handling a call is still costly. Instead, they can use A.I. Voicebot to pre-screen their target customer, or use other online platform such as Facebook to place advertisement. We offer a A.I. phone call for your reference:

以上便是一個同時結合線上(Facebook post)及線下 (電話Telemarketing)的銷售方式。Facebook 擁有工具協助尋找對產品有興趣的客戶,當有興趣的客戶留下資料訊息,人工智能電話機械人便會自動撥打電話進行更進一步的銷售及解釋產品;如果客戶有興趣,客戶可於電話中購買服務, 又或者最後以真人客戶服務專員協助完成銷售。因為銷售精準,長遠來說可減少市場上胡亂打出去的Cold Call問題。

This is an example that uses both Facebook and phone telemarketing. Facebook can spread the advertisement to potential clients. Voicebot will automatically make a phone call to those users who left their contact showing their interest to the product to do further explanation. If the client is interested to purchase the service, he could simply close the deal through the phone, or contact a real staff for handling the purchase. The targeting is more precise.

另外有很多嶄新而非常有效的Digital marketing方式亦可運用在Voicebot上面。 其中最有名的方式便是A/B Test。 如果有使用過google adword, 或者facebook廣告的朋友應該不會陌生。A/B Test 能夠有效測試出最能夠打動客戶的宣傳方案。 你可以對相同的客戶提供不同的文案、使用不同的聲音、不同的性別語音( 甚至根據目標顧客的性別作出改變)、撥打的時間等等參數尋找出最有效率的方案。


There are still many digital marketing solution for Voicebot, for example A/B Test. If you have used Google AdWord, or Facebook Advertisement, you would know the ability of A/B Test. It can test which promotion is more powerful to customers. You could provide various content, voice or even male or female caller, to find a most effective voicebot solution for your corporation.

You could read more details about voicebot on



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