Asiabots榮獲2021智能零售科技獎! | Asiabots won 2021 Smart Retail Tech Award 2021!
快訊!Asiabots憑藉我司的皇牌方案A.I.助手,結合全渠道服務方案:語音機械人、人工智能客戶服務大使及聊天機械人,成功獲得HKRMA 2021智能零售科技獎(科技初創企業)銅獎。是次獲得HKRMA及2021智能零售科技獎評審認可,是為Asiabots進軍零售業的一大強心針。
Great News!Asiabots won 2021 Smart Retail Tech Award 2021 (Technology Startup) withour omni-channel A.I. solutions A.I. Agent, which is combined with Voicebot,A.I. Ambassador and Chatbot. Recognized by HKRMA and Smart Retail Tech Award 2021 Judge Panel, is a great catalyst for us to take the first step to the Retail industry.
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