Asiabots in Google Gen AI Solution Day
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Aries Tsui
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We had the honor of attending and speaking at Google GenAI Solution Day this Wednesday. It was a remarkable gathering of industry experts, startups, and researchers, all exploring the latest developments and practical applications of Generative AI. Asiabots was fortunate to collaborate with Google Hong Kong to showcase the cutting-edge advancements in Generative AI. Our CEO, Chris Shum, shared success stories, delving into the pivotal role of AI and data in industrial innovation, unlocking new business opportunities.The opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and collectively drive the progress of AI technology is truly invaluable. We sincerely appreciate Google's invitation and take great pride in being part of this prestigious event. We will continue to deliver valuable content and insights, stay tuned for more!

#GoogleGenAISolutionDay #生成式人工智能 #創新 #AI科技#GoogleSolutionDay #GenerativeAI #Innovation #AItechnology#chatbot #ambassador #voicebots #kiosk#Asiabots #AI #customerservice #conversationalAI #Collaboration#虛擬人 #數字人 #聊天機器人 #自動電話 #智能客服大使
We had the honor of attending and speaking at Google GenAI Solution Day this Wednesday. It was a remarkable gathering of industry experts, startups, and researchers, all exploring the latest developments and practical applications of Generative AI. Asiabots was fortunate to collaborate with Google Hong Kong to showcase the cutting-edge advancements in Generative AI. Our CEO, Chris Shum, shared success stories, delving into the pivotal role of AI and data in industrial innovation, unlocking new business opportunities.The opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and collectively drive the progress of AI technology is truly invaluable. We sincerely appreciate Google's invitation and take great pride in being part of this prestigious event. We will continue to deliver valuable content and insights, stay tuned for more!

#GoogleGenAISolutionDay #生成式人工智能 #創新 #AI科技#GoogleSolutionDay #GenerativeAI #Innovation #AItechnology#chatbot #ambassador #voicebots #kiosk#Asiabots #AI #customerservice #conversationalAI #Collaboration#虛擬人 #數字人 #聊天機器人 #自動電話 #智能客服大使
We had the honor of attending and speaking at Google GenAI Solution Day this Wednesday. It was a remarkable gathering of industry experts, startups, and researchers, all exploring the latest developments and practical applications of Generative AI. Asiabots was fortunate to collaborate with Google Hong Kong to showcase the cutting-edge advancements in Generative AI. Our CEO, Chris Shum, shared success stories, delving into the pivotal role of AI and data in industrial innovation, unlocking new business opportunities.The opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and collectively drive the progress of AI technology is truly invaluable. We sincerely appreciate Google's invitation and take great pride in being part of this prestigious event. We will continue to deliver valuable content and insights, stay tuned for more!

#GoogleGenAISolutionDay #生成式人工智能 #創新 #AI科技#GoogleSolutionDay #GenerativeAI #Innovation #AItechnology#chatbot #ambassador #voicebots #kiosk#Asiabots #AI #customerservice #conversationalAI #Collaboration#虛擬人 #數字人 #聊天機器人 #自動電話 #智能客服大使
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