AI提我去睇醫生?Voicebot應用比你想像更廣泛! | Booking Confirm?Voicebot have far more applications than you imagine!
Not sure whether you know much about Voicebots, anyway let’s talk about AI telephone today!
暫時市面上較有名的Voicebot是由Google研發的Duplex AI,Google Duplex其實是由Google所研發的AI電話助理,早於2018年的Google IO上發表,並即場展示了其強大的能力。AI Duplex接收用戶的美髮預約後,可以為用戶直接撥打電話到髮廊預約時間,當中人工智能自然流暢的聲線﹑有如人類一樣的語氣及反應,無一令在場觀眾為之驚訝。讓我們再看一次當日的展示吧。
The most famous Voicebot in the market is AI Duplex developed by Google. Announced at Google IO in 2018, Google Duplex is an AI Assistant developed by Google, has powerful technology and service. Duplex AI could directly make a reservation phone call to a salon after receiving a user’s request. Having a humanlike voice with great reaction and intonation, surprised all the audience that day. Let’s review the demo again now.
聽起來AI電話助理像是B2C的服務,但你想過它也可以為你的公司服務﹑成為你的企業智能客服嗎?不少人可能會懷疑,Voicebot是否真的可以capture到用戶所說的句子,從而給予相應的回應。要大眾一步登頂或許有點困難,或者你可以考慮把Voicebot當作做Warm Notification Call,提醒你的客人使用你的產品或服務嗎?
The voice assistant sounds like a B2C service. Have you ever imagined that it could be your AI Agent of your corporation? Some of us might be curious if it could really capture what the users said and give a relevant response. It might be a bit difficult to try a brand new product at once, maybe you can use voicebot as a warm notification call to remind your clients’ reservation?
護士: 你好,請問是陳先生嗎?
陳: 是的
護士: 我們是XX醫務所,提醒你預約了2月28日下午3點接受療程,請問你可以到場嗎
陳: 可以的
護士: 那到時見,再見
Nurse: Hello, is this Mr Chan?
Chan: Yes
Nurse: This is XX Clinic, you made an appointment for 28 Feb, 3 pm. Are you coming on that day?
Chan: Yes
Nurse: See you that day then, goodbye.
以上短短的對話,企業表示已可花費護士一整天的時間處理預約問題,大大耗費了護士的時間處理過份低端的工作。在此,Voicebot正正可以替補並協助處理重複性的工作,化身作客服機器人,自動致電病人確認療程,你可以選擇利用互動式語音應答 IVR,讓用戶利用電話按鈕與AI進行互動;又或者可以選擇使用Asiabots Voicebot方案,配合語音識別(ASR)及自然語意理解(NLP),電話機器人即可理解用戶的話語並給予相應答案。
配合合適的流程,Voicebot可以同時自動撥打Notification Call到多個病人的電話,你可能會想知道,如果用戶表示無法到場接受療程,機械人能否有能力處理?如果把Voicebot接駁企業的Booking System,的確有可能達成整個電話均由機械人處理的壯舉,但若果企業還是希望有一部份的工作仍由員工處理,其實Voicebot備有接駁真人的功能,只要用戶表示無法到診,即可自動交由護士處理更改預約,確保用戶的要求得到滿足。
The repetitive short calls already cost a whole day for the nurses to handle. Voicebot could assist and help to handle the repetitive workload. You might choose to use IVR system and allow your users to interact with the AI using the phone buttons; or using Asiabots’ Voicebot solution, with ASR and NLP technologies, your call bot is smart enough to understand your clients and give a relevant answer.
With a properly designed flow, Voicebot could make multiple notification calls. If the client might not be able to show up, can Voicebot handle this task? Voicebot is capable of handling the problem if you integrate it to the company’s booking system, but if you still want to play safe and transfer the task to your staff, voicebot could also transfer the call to the nurse once it receives the message.
Not only for clinics many other industries including beauty salons or even restaurants could try adapting the solution. Read more about the amazing voicebot on!
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