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多渠道發送宣傳訊息 | Omni Channel Broadcasting

你有想過可以一鍵發送你的宣傳訊息到多個社交媒體平台,直接送到你的客人手中嗎?以往不同的社交平台都使用不同的程式,管理用家的聊天室也成為了又一個問題。 想要知道我們如何幫你解決這繁複的問題嗎?歡迎到瀏覽Asiabots的網頁或聯繫我們的團隊獲取更多資訊。

Have you ever thought of sending your promotional messages to various social media platform, directly to your customers, by one click only? Different social media platforms have different applications to manage users’ chatrooms, therefore management become another issue. Do you want to know more about how to solve this problem? Please visit Asiabots’ website or contact our team for more information.



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